Comments on: Pen Trends: Dip Nib Mania For the love of pens, paper, office supplies and a beautiful place to work Wed, 07 Jun 2023 04:57:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Someone Wed, 07 Jun 2023 04:57:59 +0000 What is this… dip… nib… you say? Woooow.

I have the MD pen. The nib comes out easily, although if I put the nib in a plastic slit type holder, it tends to wiggle out while writing. The holder part is as far as I can tell a standard nib holder, with the same metal prong type
holder that my Speedball Signature Series has. The holder is made of “mapka” which is a resin made with paper fiber apparently. Ive noticed ink kind of wants to stain it. But Ive been using the MD holder with tons of different nibs just fine.

By: Rae Tue, 06 Jun 2023 21:08:20 +0000 In reply to subgirl.

They’re only optional on the fine and 1.0 nibs. They come with the Fude and 2.0 which I also find interesting but you can remove it from those and transfer as needed. I ended up just buying so I had 1 per nib rather than changing them out.

By: Rae Tue, 06 Jun 2023 21:07:05 +0000 So with the Hocoro, one thing worth it to note is that the Fine and 1.0 stub nibs lack something that the Fude and 2.0 have. An ink reservoir. You can purchase it separately for like $3 or so and I would highly suggest it. I dunno if it will help with the inconsistency of the ink but for me, it definitely helps with not having to dip anywhere near as much and for such a small price, I’m happy I got an extra. You can also easily pop one out of the Fude or 2.0 and attach it to the other nibs as needed if you have those. I feel like mine was deifnitely well worth the investment and I have 3 out of the 4 nibs.

By: subgirl Tue, 06 Jun 2023 19:59:54 +0000 Just so you know, the Hocoro is available with an (optional, $3 ea @ Yoseka ) add-on feed to help with the ink flow issues. It’s weird they’re optional & I haven’t tried them yet,, but they’re in my wishlist regardless. I like the fude option & being able to turn the nib around for travel.
