Review by Laura Cameron
After watching several pen and ink videos, I decided I wanted to try a variety of nibs and that I would like to purchase a dip nib pen. Ana steered me in the direction of eBay and Delike pens. I ordered a Glass Signature Pen with five nibs in blue (a few more are available here).
The pen arrived fairly quickly; within less than 2 weeks from China. The set I ordered includes the Glass Signature pen, with cap, and 5 additional nibs: extra fine (XF), fine (F), medium (M), broad (B) and extra broad (XB).
I should note that I don’t think that the pen is actually glass, but rather acrylic (which the eBay listing curiously lists as “organic glass”). (Editor’s Note: I tested the “glass” nib as well and cannot confirm if it’s glass either. It felt more like a synthetic material. That said, it held ink very well and alone I felt made it worth the purchase price. I did not get to try out the calligraphy nibs though. I really liked the “glass” nib.)
I found the naming of these nibs a little deceptive. I tried the extra fine expecting it to be similar to many of my other fountain pen nibs and it is much broader than they are. However, since I wanted this pen to test different nib widths, I wasn’t too upset by this. I also didn’t understand until I went back and reviewed the listing that the “glass nib” (also acrylic) was intended to be written with. I found the use of this nib a little problematic in that I needed to use the nib on its side to get it to write reliably. I did think that the swirled nib was an interesting and beautiful way to store the ink.
I would also note that while the pen and nibs themselves were odor-free, the plastic cap needed to be left out for a week or two before it wasn’t super smelly.
The glass pen is nice and smooth and is a nice light weight in my hand (17gms without the nib and cap). The nibs screw in and out of the barrel very easily and I’m enjoying testing inks using different nibs.

Overall, I wouldn’t characterize this as a fine pen, but I find it perfectly serviceable for playing around with different nibs and ink.
Laura is a tech editor, podcaster, knitter, spinner and recent pen addict. You can learn more about her knitting and tea adventures on her website, The Corner of Knit & Tea and can find her on Instagram as Fluffykira.
For edged-nib (versus pointed-nib) calligraphy starter sets, do a search on Amazon for Sheaffer Viewpoint calligraphy kits and pens. The Sheaffer Viewpoint pens take Sheaffer cartridges or converters. The cartridges can be easily syringe filled.
It was by shear coincidence that the penhero (no affiliation) newsletter that came out today has Sheaffer Viewpoint calligraphy pens with F, M or B nibs for sale at $3.50 each, down from $6.75. Here’s the link:
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