During the heyday of calling cards, using a business card for a social purpose was considered bad manners.

During the heyday of calling cards, using a business card for a social purpose was considered bad manners.

 The Gentleman’s Guide to the Calling Card is a great primer for the modern use of calling cards for men AND for women. Even in the current environment of Facebook, Twitter, email and texting, sometimes you want to be able to convey to someone your name and how to reach you. Why not have a few cards with your name, digits and a URL to your fabulous foodie blog, or your username on Flickr where you keep all your amazing travel photos, or your twitter handle where you post endless minutia on Apple products? Sure, there are lots of situations where its more appropriate to hand out your office business card but not if you’re trying to hook up on Friday night or organize a group ride over the weekend. Right?

(via The Art of Manliness)

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