Link Love: Tenative Steps to Normalcy

Link Love

The last few weeks have seen lower COVID cases and higher vaccination rates. More businesses and events have started to re-open and loosen mask mandates, number of occupants, etc. This shift has meant trips to the local pool for some, going to a pen show for others.  For me and Laura, it means our first Knit Night in person in almost 18 months. We, however live at ground zero of the outbreak of the Delta variant. It’s a place called Missouri. (Ok, technically Laura lives in Kansas but we live on the border so…) If you don’t believe me when I say its COVID-central, check out the NY Times map. We are northwest of the worst infections but I don’t trust the Delta variant to respect county lines. So, our knitting group is meeting outdoors, just to be on the safe side. Are you mingling yet?

In pen news, the Drillog Kickstarter looks interesting but a bit pricey. Mostly, I think everyone is breathing a collective sigh of fresh air before we all have to get back to work in the fall. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Keep your pens clean and your pencils sharp.




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4 comments / Add your comment below

  1. I’m doing lots outdoors, but I’m still avoiding spending time indoors (like restaurants). I love the idea of knitting outdoors!

  2. Not to fangirl too much 🙂 but in Missouri? My home state! Coming back next month to Lake St. Louis for a family reunion – fully masked and sanitized and vaccinated. I know the delta variant is on the rise – we all discussed it and are comfortable under those conditions. If of course it gets worse, well, it’s been 2 years what’s another few months, right?

    1. It seems like the coasts of Missouri are doing better than inland. Fingers crossed that it stays that way. Welcome back!

  3. So far, unmasked mingling indoors has been only with fully vaccinated family members. I was so happy to drive to Atlanta last month to see siblings and other family who I haven’t visited in over a year. I organized an outdoors farmers market at work last week, and did not wear a mask because it was breezy and folks kept their distance. For work, shopping, and all other indoor activities outside of my home, I’m still fully masked and plan to keep it that way a while longer. It will be a long time before I’ll dine inside at restaurants again.

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