Ink Review: Monteverde Rose Noir

When I learned about Monteverde’s recently released Noir Collection I made a beeline for them.  I’ve been concentrating on wine colors and purples this year (2018 is Ultra Violet) so I added Rose Noir to the shopping cart immediately.

Monteverde Inks

Rose Noir is a yummy, plummy purple that leans more red than blue. It reminds me quite a bit of the Platinum Classic Lavender Black that I reviewed a while ago, except darker and moodier.

Monteverde Rose Noir

Monteverde Rose Noir

The ink performed very well in terms of flow, but there is quite a difference in coverage as you work with different nibs. In the wider nibs, the color lays down much darker than in the finer nibs and this can be the difference between a paler rose color and the darker plum color.

Monteverde Rose Noir

Sadly, this one isn’t water resistant either, although I’m loving the watercolor appearance and might have to play with that as a wash elsewhere. What surprised me most about this ink is that in really saturated samples, there’s a slight green sheen that appears.

Monteverde Rose Noir

When I was looking for something fun to use as a writing sample, I found out that there is a Rose Noir cocktail so I’m sharing that with you, perfect for Valentine’s Day!

Monteverde Rose Noir


Laura is a tech editor, podcaster, knitter, spinner and recent pen addict. You can learn more about her knitting and tea adventures on her website, The Corner of Knit & Tea and can find her on Instagram as Fluffykira.

DISCLAIMER: The items included in this review were provided free of charge by Pen Chalet for the purpose of review. Please see the About page for more details.

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