Comments on: Ink Review: Troublemaker 2022 New Inks For the love of pens, paper, office supplies and a beautiful place to work Sun, 09 Apr 2023 22:12:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ana Sun, 09 Apr 2023 22:12:09 +0000 In reply to Pamela Barnes.

I think the name is a result of the inks being created by two young students who started created the color shifting inks that so many other folks wanted to do. The trouble is their creative thinking!

By: AB Fri, 07 Apr 2023 14:43:55 +0000 Added bonus (and wonder) is that Polar lights shimmer change of colour following the angle of the page between the light source and one’s eyes, like some inks of the Diamine Green Inkvent calendar dubbed “chameleon” : it can turn from greenish turquoise to purple, (a bit) like actual aurora borealis ! The page, eyes and light source must be nearly aligned (the page being of course slightly lower than the other two), whereas the turquoise hue is visible from a lot more angles as demonstrated in the post. This ink is truly wonderful (and non clogging as well in my Esterbrook Estie oversize) !

By: Jacob Brewer Fri, 07 Apr 2023 00:18:37 +0000 I love Troublemaker! A couple years ago I was trying so hard to get some in the US and finally had them imported myself. But since more US places have them I was able to get Polar Lights a lot easier when it came out! I love how the shimmer changes color at different angles!

By: Pamela Barnes Thu, 06 Apr 2023 23:03:40 +0000 Why have you labled them troublemakers? Are they hard to clean? Do they corrode your nibs? What makes them trouble?
