The kitty vibe is strong this week. Our pal Charlie over at Doodlewash created a darling watercolor illustration of a kitten ready to pounce and Emmeline Draws released her new enamel pin, Book Kitties. When a theme emerges, I just need to go with it.

Speaking of kittens, our kitten clan is doing well. The kittens go for their second round of vaccinations this week and Pickle, the one kitten who is already adopted, will be going to her fur-ever home this weekend. They are exuberant, curious and bring us a ton of joy. Hopefully, soon many will go off to new adventures with new homes to bring joy and happiness to others too.
I know there’s been a lot of kitten talk these last few weeks but six kittens and a mama cat certainly have occupied a good deal of my head space (and studio space).
I could have written about the Star Wars Celebration event and the first two episodes of Obi-Wan Kenobi but you knew I was a Star Wars nerd already?
Don’t forget the great links below including the Dominant Industry Mirror Inks, edible burrito tape and the Lamy Aion gets sour grapes from A Fleeting Ripple. See you all next week!
Posts of the Week:
- Ready To Pounce (via Doodlewash)
- THE BOOK KITTIES ARE HERE! I’ve just launched my… (via Emmeline Draws)
- Exploring Stock Custom Nibs, Part II: Nagahara Needlepoints from Franklin-Christoph (via The Gentleman Stationer )
- Fountain Pen Maintenance: How I Clean My Fountain Pens (via The Gentleman Stationer)
- Diplomat Traveller Flame & Deep Purple Fountain Pens for $56USD (via Gourmet Pens)
- i am bitter: lamy aion (via A Fleeting Ripple)
- VIDEO: Diamine Inks Comparison #12 (via Penultimate Dave)
- Dominant Industry Mirror Inks (via Mountain of Ink)
- Sailor 50 States Part 2 (via Mountain of Ink)
- tea time: diamine earl grey (via A Fleeting Ripple)
- Robert Oster Cities of America: Chicago Ink Review (via The Pen Addict)
- Ñ Mediterráneo Flabellina (via Fountain Pen Pharmacist)
- ScriBo Grigio SCRIBO (via dapprman)
- Birmingham Sweetheart on Muji Planting Tree (via Inkcredible Colours)
- good things come in threes: pennonia inks (via A Fleeting Ripple)
- Steph’s Top 5 Pink Inks! (via Anderson Pens Blog)
Paper & Notebooks:
- Foglietto Memo Cards (via Nero’s Notes)
- Malden – New Release (via Philofaxy)
- How’s that fancy planner going? (via mnmlscholar)
Art & Creativity:
- New watercolour palettes (via Liz Steel)
Other Interesting Things:
- Johns Hopkins Students Invent Edible Tape for Burritos (via My Modern Met)
- The World of Music Video Is Finally Adopting Restoration Efforts (via Hyperallergic)
- A (Pen) Case Study // A.C. (via Baum-kuchen Blog)
- Hey, where’d you go? (via
- Bringing Kitty Foyle and Her Typewriter to True LIFE (via oz.Typewriter)
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