Link Love: SF Pen Love

Link Love

Friends of the blog… okay, lots of friends of the blog… are headed to the SF Pen Show this weekend. We wanted to remind you that there are classes and workshop all weekend. We’d like to particularly point out, our pal Julia is teaching a class on Sunday but there has been some confusion about how to register and pay for the class. So… we thought we’d straighten things out right here.

Julia is teaching Inkwash Workshop: Painting with Ink, Sunday from 9:00-11:00am. Tuition is $75. The class is limited to ten people so sign-up ASAP. Julia needs a minimum number of attendees in order hold the class so if you were thinking about taking this class, email her TODAY to sign-up. There’s a link on the SF Pen Show web site to email her and register for the class. If you take the class, say hello to Juila for me.

Don’t forget to ask Julia about the best kept taco secret of the SF Pen Show.




Notebooks & Paper:

Art & Creativity:

Other Interesting Things:

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  1. Dear Ana, I love reading your posts and how you gather so many reviews of pens, ink paper and creative classes. I will also be teaching at the SFPen Show this weekend. My class is on Sat, 1:30. “Sketching with FountIn Pens” this has been a very popular class for a few years and I am very excited to teach fountain pen writer to try fountain pen Sketching!, ( we sat at the same table for breakfast last show in 2019 one morning..btw) . I will try and stop by your booth and say hello!

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