Comments on: Fountain Pen Review: Pilot Cavalier For the love of pens, paper, office supplies and a beautiful place to work Mon, 09 Jan 2023 21:23:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: charles elfot Mon, 09 Jan 2023 21:23:45 +0000 I like the size and look of the Cavalier, and it is one of my daily grab-a-pen selections.
I have had good experiences with budget Pilots, and I have not needed to adjust the nibs.
I find the Cavalier pen to be easier to use than the well-known Metropolitan, also from Pilot.

The Metro is fatter and slippery, and even though I have large hands, the Metro is often a
challenge for me–several times my Metros have committed nib-i-cide off of the table edge.
Not so with the Cav.

Most f-pens are wider, and some much wider, but this does not make the Cav difficult to handle.
We have become accustomed to wide pens, but I have seen that most folks can write just as
comfortably with a narrower pen. I know that I was surprised when I tried my wife’s Cavalier.
