Eye Candy – Cholla Cactus Wood Turned Pen

Last week my boss sent me a small gift that turned out to be a fountain pen! Sadly I have very few details so mostly I’ll be sharing photos and what I can surmise. I’m still on the hunt and I’ll update if/when I get more!

I was surprised to open my package and find a wood-turned pen. I believe it came more or less from a kit because it came with a standard fact sheet from The Woodturner’s Catalog. My boss purchased it at an art show local to her.

The pen itself is made from Cholla Cactus wood, that I believe has been filled/enhanced with resin. It looks like shimmery pink and purple have been poured into the resin as well. The pen comes with a standard iridium point nib manufactured in Germany. It’s not specifically labeled as Bock or Jowo. It feels like a fine to  me and I haven’t gone into the nib/feed housing to check.

The pen is really beautiful to look at, but a bit of a chonker. It comes in at 43g. It’s 5 1/8″ capped, and 4 3/4″  uncapped. The cap is a screw cap and I kept wondering why the “peg” at the end. It turns out the threads there are so you can post the cap by screwing it onto the back end. However, given the weight of this pen, that just makes in unbalanced.

Again, I wish I had more details about this lovely gift, but for now I’m content to just get to know my new pen!

PS for those who ask if I match my pens to my knits (I’m talking to you Brad!) the answer is not intentionally, but apparently sometimes yes!

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1 comment / Add your comment below

  1. What a lovely surprise! I do. like the look of the wood and resin, but I can see that it might be hard. on the hand after writing a few paragraphs.

    Please do update up us after you’ve had it for a while.

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