Paper Review: Midori Flash Cards Ducks

Paper Review: Midori Flash Cards Ducks

As part of the delightful Cult Pens Japanese Stationery Advent Calendar, I received this rubber ducky-shaped set of flash cards made by Midori (If I was better at planning, this review should have gone up on Friday — National Rubber Duck Day!). They look like something else — maybe a Col-o-ring? So, I thought, what…

Notebook Review: Paperblanks 100gsm & 120gsm

Notebook Review: Paperblanks 100gsm & 120gsm

It’s been several years since I’ve tried a Paperblanks journal. I used one of their planners for a couple years but moved on to other planning systems and had sort of forgotten about Paperblanks. The most recognizable and notable aspect of Paperblanks notebooks and planners are the beautiful, often antique-inspired covers that they use which…

Notebook Review: Pebble Stationery Co. Antartica Edition

Notebook Review: Pebble Stationery Co. Antartica Edition

Review by Tina Koyama A few years back, Pebble Stationery came out with the Australian company’s first limited Glacier Edition pocket-size notebook. Its latest limited edition has the same icy theme: The Antartica Edition (two notebooks for US $12.99).  I was surprised to see yet another chilly design, but no less delighted. Containing Tomoe River…

Paper Review: Nanami Zen Paper

In a previous post, I reviewed the Cosmo Air Light (CAL) notebook from Musubi and compared it to the Tomoe River (TR) notebook (also from Musubi). I have included a few photos from those reviews in this post for review purposes. I’ve used the same pens with the same ink where I could, and all…

Jesi answers all your questions about Tomoe River

Jesi answers all your questions about Tomoe River

The world of paper manufacturing has been an uncertain place lately. There have been changes. There have been rumors. There may have even been lies. Or little fibs. Intrigue at least. So I was sent out by the Well-Appointed Desk on a mission to uncover the truth as far as possible. Some questions we were…