When reflecting back on 2021, a year many of us spent working from home, I thought it might be nice to reflect on the things that worked — and the things that didn’t. While this post is not pen and ink related, I suspect a lot of folks can relate to the need to upgrade…
Showing all posts tagged digital office

Setting up my new home office
While much of the world is starting to adapt to a life of working from home, I am in the process of setting up a home office in preparation for my new life. What form that will take exactly, I’m not sure. I was recently laid-off from my job of 19 years. This lay-off occurred…
Notebook Review: Thinkers Notebook
Review by Laura Cameron Recently I was contacted by the people behind Thinkers Notebook ($19.95) and asked if I wanted to try their Thinkers Notebook system. I’m always game to try something new so I said yes! The Thinkers Notebook is a 6″ x 9″ landscape notebook, designed to be used in concert with an…
Desk Accessories Review: Baron Fig Mousepad
Review by Laura Cameron About a month ago, Baron Fig contacted us and asked if we would be interested in reviewing the latest addition to their leather collection, the Mousepad ($34.00). As I’m in the process of putting together a home office, I jumped at the chance to jazz up my desk. Baron Fig’s leather…
Digital Life: Evernote Alternatives
There have been lots of articles floating around the internet this week following the announcement that Evernote was changing its policies regarding how it was handling its accounts. Now, if you want to use the service on more than two devices, you must pay for their premium service to the tune of $34.99/year for their…
PSA: Cleaning Up Your Email InBox with Unroll.Me
I recently discovered Unroll.Me which quickly and easily let’s you sort through all those newsletters you’ve subscribed to and will help you unsubscribe from the ones you don’t want. Then it allows you to sort the newsletters you do want to keep into a digest format called a “roll-up” or leave them in your email…
Hmmm… Moleskine gets into the Digital Pen Market
Moleskine has introduced its Smart Writing Set, a notebook and digitally-enabled pen that works in combination with an app that syncs with the Moleskine Notes app, Google Drive or Evernote. The notebook is designed with rounded pages to look more like the shape of a tablet. Maybe to visually differeniate it from the regular notebooks?…